If you want to study Aramaic, you can do it from home!

After the initiation to Biblical Aramaic last year, I now offer you a course on Ancient Aramaic, in which we will study non vocalized texts.

Throughout the academic year, we’ll look at epigraphical documents from the first millennium BCE, and Aramaic manuscripts among the famous Dead Sea scrolls.

If you’ve never studied Aramaic before, I suggest you join my initiation course, offered this year in tutoring.

The Ancient Aramaic course will take place every other Monday from 7 PM to 8 PM (right before Dead Sea Scrolls Hebrew in case you want to follow both) throughout the academic year. If you’re not available at this time, you can watch the class later since each session will be recorded.

If you’re interested, or if you have any question, please contact me and I’ll give you more information on this private course (program, fee, schedule…). See you soon! 🙂

9 thoughts on “Online Aramaic Course

  1. I am interested in taking the online Aramaic course, please let me know how to sign up.

  2. Hello.

    I am interested in learning Aramaic..
    How do I get started?

    Kind regards,
    Karen ✨

    1. My course is in French, and requires knowledge of Biblical Hebrew. If you are interested, please send me a message using the contact form 😉

  3. Dear Michael Langlois,

    First of all I thank God for your life for this great and mighty work He has given to you to enable us to restore the truth of Bible by learning ancient languages such as Hebrew and Aramaic.

    I’m a theologian and I will like to study Aramaic deeply, so as to improve my theological studies and research.

    Please tell me what to do and how to proceed to start the school. I really expect to hear from you very soon. I wish to start the shcool this week. Why not!

    I’m Waiting to hear from you sir. You can write both in English or French. I speak and write both languages.

    Thanks alot. Yours in Christ

    Reverend Dr Rodolphe Moussinga.

  4. Hi me too, I need to study Aramaic language, now it`s september 2020. I am looking forward to begin as soon as possible as I need to learn to read some ancient texts and cannot wait too much to do it, Thank you. I am From Buenos Aires, Argentina

  5. I would like to learn the Aramaic language , I hope it will. Give me more insight into when Jesus walked the Earth. So much lies going around

  6. Bonjour
    Vos cours d’arameen couvrent ils également l’araméen talmudique?
    Bien cordialement

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