Outre le séminaire sur les manuscrits de la mer Morte, l’université d’Uppsala m’a invité à donner une conférence publique sur “Bible et faux”.

Au cours de cette conférence, j’expliquerai comment des faux modernes menacent les sciences bibliques. J’évoquerai les moyens permettant d’identifier ou non de telles fraudes, et leur impact sur notre travail d’historiens des religions.

Si vous êtes intéressé·e, rendez-vous à l’université d’Uppsala, salle Eng/22-0031, le vendredi 20 avril 2018 de 9h à 10h.

Je remercie à nouveau chaleureusement Göran Eidevall et Cecilia Wassen pour cette invitation ! 🙂

PS : Vous êtes également les bienvenus au séminaire le 19 avril ! 😉

4 commentaires sur “Bible et faux : de Shapira au papyrus de Jérusalem, à Uppsala

  1. Dear Professor Langlois,

    Despite very frequently searching the web for any new items on Shapira and occasionally viewing your webpage, I have not noticed until today any mention of this lecture that refers to Shapira – perhaps it was not well advertised in advance?

    As part of my research into early biblical MSS, including both forgeries and putative forgeries, Shapira and his MS is a key interest of mine. As a part of this I’m looking at how Shapira and his MS is with great frequency referred to in semi-academic lectures and popular publications, but very rarely in more academic works.

    Are you able to advise me of the following? Will your lecture be online? Will any notes be made available? Is it expected that an article will develop out of this? If an article is expected, do you envision if it will be popular or academic, or somewhere in-between?
    < Matthew Hamilton Sydney, Australia

    1. Hi Matthew, sorry the lecture won’t be online; I might publish in the future about this ms, so stay tuned 😉

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