À l’occasion de l’exposition Qumrân à la Bibliothèque nationale, j’ai répondu aux questions du journaliste Alain Guyot pour le quotidien Ouest France.
L’article est paru en quatrième de couverture le 14 avril 2010 ; vous pouvez le lire ci-dessous dans son intégralité au format PDF. Je remercie vivement Alain Guyot pour le sérieux et la qualité de son travail !
Ouest France – 14.04.2010 – Michael Langlois
Thank you for the article.
You’re most welcome! It’s an honor to have you on my website. As you can see, I always try to give an overview of major theories—including yours! Best regards, Michael.
I just now have noticed a somewhat glaring error of omission in the BnP brochure on the Scrolls, which in your capacity as conseiller scientifique de l’exposition, you may be able to convince the curators to correct. It occurs in the map on the second page of the brochure: while Jericho, Qumran and Masada are signaled, there is no mention of Machaerus, which (as Josephus writes) played a major strategic role in the history of the Judaean state both during the Herodian period and the First Revolt. May I suggest that the inclusion of Machaerus on the map would be a benefit to the public?
Cordially and with all good wishes,