Je suis à Tel Aviv pour le colloque “Nouvelles des tranchées 2018

Au cours de colloque annuel, des collègues archéologues israéliens présentent les résultats des campagnes de fouilles des derniers mois.

Le colloque est en hébreu, avec un programme riche :

News from the Trenches 2018
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Gilman Building, Room 223

• 15:45-16:00 – Gathering and refreshments

• 16:00-16:15 – Greetings from the Director of the Institute – Oded Lipschits
Awarding of Scholarships by the Head of the Department – Yuval Gadot

• 16:15-17:45 – First Session
— Guy Stiebel: « The Will of Man – Will Turn the Desert into a Flowering Garden »: News from Season 2018 at Masada
— Ido Koch: Tel Hadid: Final Publication of the 1990s Salvage Excavations and Preliminary Results of Season 2018
— Avi Gopher, Katia Zotovski, Anna Erike-Rose, Hai Ashkenazi, Hila May: On Houses and the Dead in the Neolithic Period: A View from the Site of Yarmut 38
— Omer Sergi: Horvat Tevet in the Jezreel Valley: An Iron I Cemetery and a (Royal?) Estate from the Late Iron IIA
— Dafna Langgut: Alona: Reconstructing Iron Age Agricultural Practices in the Jerusalem Environs: Integrating Macro-and Microarchaeology
— Rafi Greenberg: Bet Yerah and Al-Sinnabra: Excavations, Conservation and Research Update

• 17:45-18:15 – Coffee Break

• 18:15-19:30 – Second Session
— Yuval Gadot and Yiftah Shalev: New Finds from the Iron, Persian and Hellenistic Periods along the City of David Western Slope
— Boaz Gross: The Salvage Excavation at Tel Beit Shemesh: Benefits, Drawbacks and Surprises of a « Mega-Project”
— Meir Finkel, Aviad Agam, Ran Barkai, Avi Gopher, Erez Ben-Yosef: Excavating Two Prehistoric Flint Extractions and Reduction Heaps in the Dishon Valley: Preliminary Results
— Oded Lipschits: “When Puzzle Pieces Fit” Innovations and Explorations from the Sixth season at Tel Azekah
— Israel Finkelstein: Ground Zero of Biblical Archaeology: The Iron Age Gates of Megiddo

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